how to waste money playing tight then bubbling...

Okay I just finished playing the wednesdays $320 nightly hundred fifty grand. Its 5.45am and I am pretty hacked off, I pre strategised to play tight this mtt and it was working well. I was in top 20/30 stacks for much of the mtt past 1st 2 hrs then drawing close to the cash 2 critical hands come up that lead to my exit.
Hand 1 :
I have K-Q in sb, blinds are 300/600 and I have around 28,000. Button raises to 1,800, I decide to just call , out of position but with a hand that if connects on flop vs button riaser is likely to be a monster. Flop falls a non too thrilling A J 5 (2d),I decide to lead out for 3,100 into the 4,600 out there and he calls. At This point I know he has hit that flop, he has 10k behind after the call but I am thinking hes pretty weak since any strong hand worthy of an allin should push on that flop, so I am thinking a turn push could be a good move. Turn comes like a 7, I chicken out though and check , surprisingly he checks which gives me the green light to bluff the river. River J, I go against my instincts and checks , he flips up A-10.....This hand was there for the taking and I didnt play great past the flop.
Hand 2 - Lp riases to 1,600 I am in bb with K-5 and decide to re raise to 4,700 cos I have a tight image and I know this player can riase in late with a very wide range of hands, he calls. At this point I felt he most likely has a medium pair, 77-JJ. Flop falls , 4-5-J I decide this flop is nice enough to commit my chips in becuase 77,88,9s and 10s would fold, but if i lead these hands probably are more likely to continue so I checked HOPING for him to bet and he does a modest 4,500 when I move all in for 17k more he insta calls and has J J. OUT in 92nd and 2 off a $475 cash.
I am obviously disappointed in at least not cashing because with my stack and being in the top 20/30 stacks for much of the tourney , cashing is the minimum I was expecting. Still, this is poker. I feel my play on the last hand was still strong and that in a way is unlucky that he flops top set, I coulda waited till I cashed to make this kinda move however but I am not one to hang on for few bucks. Still hurts though :(.
i personalyl dont like 2nd hand that much, but i dont see a problem with your reasoning. but its true i'm still to nitty at time to be making this kind of plays.
though luck but u'll get there next time :)
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