Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Back Home

Just got back home from nottingham , i went down on sunday to do the 200 Freezeout, 100 runners , 20k in the pool and a nice structure .

I played quite tight early on , but managed to steadily increase my stack, up to $16,000 from my original 10 within a 1hr , after i won a nice pot with 77 and another with A Qc . It was a long tournament and mostly my pots were won from letting people hang themselves on the river, mainly it was me being cautious checking a hand like top pair weak kicker or mid pair , but i made some nice calls and picked off their bluffs well which really gave me confidence that my reads were right. I wasnt feeling well but i plugged on and as we reached the final 2 tables i was sitting pretty on around $110,000 then i lost the followin pot. Blinds $2/$4k , they pass to me in the sb, and i find 10 8, i am aware the bb is very tight and maybe is trying to final to get some money, and he only has around 19,000 so i raise to 10,000 when he re riases all in for 9k more,i realise i am getting 3-1 and call, he flips up K J ,i pair the 8 bnut he turns the king and i lose my first all in pre flop situation.
Then blinds go up, and i cant make too many moves without committing myself to the pot, so i sit tight and get dealt trash for 2 hours straight when i make the final table with 76,000 and blinds 4/8k, i go 2 rounds and one exit on my table before i find A Q ep, and $52,000 infront of me and i push , the sb finds AA and im gone.
200 buy in , 490 back, not a great cash really , typical of my online play lately, where i consistently finish 11th,12th etc, in big mtts where really the nice money is. This tournament paid 8,000 for first ! So im obviously a wee disapointed but at the same time ifelt it was the best ive played in a long time live, and i certainly have taken a liking to the deep stacks and slow structure.

Now im back, i have deposited $800 on stars and have decided that, this is it, im gonna hit the cash tables just $1/2 to begin with, and every sunday , withdraw surplus over $800, time for me to get my head straight and start making some money again.

I ll post my results on sunday to see where im at.


Monday, May 15, 2006

notts report

I went back to nottingham to get away for a day or 2 and play a mtt at the gala. Yesterday i done both sunday comps , the 30 Freezeout and the 30 Pl rebuy in the evening. The freezeout didnt boast a very nice structure really but I was doin it for fun mainly, i knew it wasnt going to be at all lucrative cashes and with a pretty weak field imo, i felt if i could last past the first hour or 2, I would most prolly final. Anyway, aelred and me started on same table and I decided to just see what the table was like and not be too crazy early on.
I didnt pick up many nhs early on , I limped once or twice with K 10 and such , missed and passed to a bet in what would frequently be a 4 person minimum flop. I lost 600 of my original 5,000 when I min raised a 36 suited and failed to connect on a flop, bluffed a wee bit on turn and got called by 2, both checking river and losing obviously.

Then, hour in or so, and my stack is not looking to impressive, i find KJos, utg, and decided to shove it all in, i know its a courageous act with what is a marginal hand, but with blinds going up and me in big next hand i felt it was the correct play, i picked up a caller in the form of AJs ,and luckily hit my K. Then Aelred busted out with 55 on a board of 7KK.
20 mins later i doubled thro another nice stack with JJ vs his AJ, and was gaining momentum, shortly we were down to 2 tables and i busted out around 14th with A4 vs A5 , I lost a nice pot when i brtought it in for a rase with 4s, and flop J 9 7 , i shoved in the short stack who unorfunately had trip 9s.

Later on I done the 30 pl rebuy, and was punished for jus limpin 99 utg psot rebuy and lost 3,000 on flop of my 8,000 when i had to release them on a 8 hi flop, ( i would have runnered 10 hi straight and tripled thro), then i busted out with 33 vs 10 J. Cant really comment too much on my plays over the 2 tourneys, I certainly didnt play my best but in these structure of tourneys, you kind of have to get lucky early on , I think If i played a conservative approach in the 30 f/o i would have certainly finalled as i had around 25,000 before the 44 hand and was in good stead for the final as i was in 2nd pos on my table, however I wasnt concerned with finalling in this comp , i really was playing for a high finish, and 44 short handed is well worth raising.

When I go back home , i will defo play stronger , this trip was kind of a wake up call for me, dont let your guard down.


Monday, May 01, 2006

15k Gtd whill

I decided today that I am going to do the 15k daily on crypto online and try. I rarely play the crypto mtts and when I do I really dont fare very well. Not sure why, maybe the structure or the players or my work ethic but tonight I am going to focus and who knows maybe make some money.

283 runners 15,000 prizepool.
2,000 start stack,15 mins blinds

level 1
8s9s, utg min riased to 40, 2 calls before it gets to me, im not going to pass this so i call. flop falls 9c 3s 5d. Raiser fires out for 200 into a 190 pot, they pass round to me, at this point I kinda have to give him credit for an overpair , generally an utg min raise then a pot bet is strength not a bluff. But also, i got around 1,900 in chips, i can peel off one more card maybe trip up or 2 pair or turn a flush draw and potentially win a nice pot.
So i call, turn comes Ks. This is a good card for me, cos now i got 9s up with a flush draw, he checks, I could fire out a big bet here, but why would it seem I have a K? The texture of the flop doesnt suggest the turn would improve my hand (plus he could have turned top set)so I check behind hoping to improve. River 3h, he checks, i happily check , (no use value betting here imo), he flips up JJ. Down to 1,700 but I dont think i played it too bad , I could have lost more really.

level 2
JJ in late, i riase to 120 after 1 limper. Flop K 9 5, he checks i check, turn 8, he check , I check, river 7. he bets 30 i call, he has A7. Up to 2,000. I played the hand very conservatively, definitely could have bet the turn or flop really, but decided to keep pot small , and just get the hand to showdown.
6s7s, AsKsQh, raise, call, re riase pot :(. thankfully i would have missed.

Level 3,
moved table, K 10 os ep,i min riase, chip leader calls. flop 9 6 5, i check/fold perhaps passively but early on i dont fancy trying to bluff the tournament chip leader aspecially out of position.(1,835)
KQ, 3 limpers im on the button . I make it 200, original limper calls . flop comes Qs Js 3h. he checks, pot is over 500, I could bet hard and charge him but I opt to push all in for around 1.5k , theres enough in there for me to like. (2,110).
Ah5h, mid pos, i limp. flop 3 4 10.they check to me, i bet 125 into 250.and the sb check raises to 400. So 275 back on me, I deliberate that a 2 is my only outs , and 275 for 775 isnt nice enough odds to call.(1,935).

Level 4,
AKos in late, mid makes it 300, I have 1,700. Not goin to jus call with this hand, time to push and hopefully take pot or double through, he makes the call with AJos, and board comes AK43J. (3,620).
44 ep, limp after utg limps, another limper and some sod riases to 300, 3 calls before it gets to me giving me very attractive odds, so i take the flop, miss and pass to a huge bet.(3,320)
sb, AKos, 2 ep limps, and a 1.5k stack makes it 400, I realise he has to have a hand to come over top of 2 limpers with not a big stack, but I am trying to accumulate , plus AQs,etc is a hand he could very well raise with, after all he doesnt have great M.so i make it 1,695, he calls with QQ. Not the hand i want to see as i dont love races but eh, could be worse. Flop Q 2 3 7 A (4 diamonds) and i have Kd, so lucky there.(5,115).
JJ , i make it 300 bb calls. Flop A 3 6 :(. Check,check, turn 7, he checks, i decide to make a feeler bet of 300 he calls. river 9, making flush possible, he bet 555 into 1350, i opt to lay.
AKh, i make it 300, bth blinds call, flop A 4 5, Bb pushes for 1.7k i call, he has AJ. (6,836).

1st Break 6,836, 156 players left, average 3,628. (14/156).

Level 5
Ah8h late, 2 limpers, i decide to just call. Flop 8 9 4. sb bets 222 which is cheap , one caller, i just call, turn 7, im done with my hand here now - any straight draw is likely to come off here 10 J, and also the possibility of someone hitting two pair, he checks, the other bets 450 i pass and they get into a raising war. (6,239)
KJos sb, few limpers and someone makes it 600, unraised pot , would be nice to take a look but tournament play , KJ os really doesnt fare well to a raise especially if your out of position post flop.(6,014).

Level 6
Q9os in sb,one ep limper, i limp flop 10 J 2.i check, bb bets 400 into 600 ep limper moves all in , i pass.I was planning a check raise there, but im not going to call all in on a straight draw. (5,914)
Js9s, ep, limp.someone raises, then a re raise, pass.(5,714)

Level 7 (5,414) 150/300 bb
bb, Q7 os fold an open ended on turn to a big bet.
sb, 7c8c, i complete after 3 limpers flop QJ2,A. (4,814)
J 10, i riase to 900 from mid/late , button calls bb calls. Flop A 2 4, I got 3,900 the only bet i can do is all in, and its just too likely that they called me with Ax, so i check and surrender to a small turn bet, passive i know, but trust me with these online crapshoots you cant really play "all ins " with nothin. You ll get called by A rag. (3,914).
55, ep, limp, another limper , flop 3 33 . i bet 500 called, turn 8, anotehr 500 called, river 6, check check, i take it down.(5,664)
28os in bb.
Q3 sb, pass to riase.(5,214)

Level 8 150/300 25ante.
bb, 2c9c, fold to ep riase.
sb,A2,fold to ep riase.(4,589)
bb,10dkd,fold to an allin.
sb,K10,ep limper, i complete, flop A 10 9,pas to an all in.(3,764)
AhKh,ep makes it 1200, a call from a nice stack , and i push called by 55 caller. I double thro when i pair my Ace, (9,300)
10 10, in late i make it 900, chip leader min riases to 1.6, i call . (i not passin for min) flop A 2 4, i check and pass to sizeable bet , he shows QQ. (7,728).

2nd break, 7,703, 37th/63. average is 8900.
Couldnt get anything going that last hour, bad hands, moved to a very active table where if you aint got chips its hard to get involved , i thought id play the waiting game and wait for the double up oppurtunity which came late on with AK, i won luckily but lost 1,600 soon after with 10 10.

Level 9 , 200/400
bb,2d4d,fold post flop
sb,83,i call , 2 limpers,flop 337, i check call a small bet, turn 2, i bet out 1/3 pot one caller, river 9. i value bet 2,222. (12,975)
mid pos, JJ,i make it 1200,and take the blinds,(13,925)
bb,J9off,fold to pre flop riase.(2 ep limps button riased to 2000)
sb,67off,fold to ep riase. (13,025)
44 , late/mid i make it 1200 and take blinds.
KJd, i limp after another limper, flop K 44.riase ,re raise all in, i pass.(13,400)

Level 10 300/600
bb,Q2d,fold post flop to ep limper.
sb,Qd8d,2 limpers, flop A hi.(11,950)
mid, QdJd, i make it 1400, bb calls. flop Q 9 7, he pushes called, and he has 66.(19,600)
bb,A6,3 limpers, flop 8 6 4, i bet 2500 into 3600, they pass. (22,300)
sb, Q 10, fold to riase. (22,000)
33, ep i make it 1700,one caller, flop A J 5, i bet out 2600 into 4600, he passes. (24,800)
bb,Q4os,fold to pre flop riase.
sb,83os,fold to shorty all in.(23,700)
K10 mid, i makeit 1700,take blinds,(25,100)

Level 11, 400/800 antes 100
AdJd, i make it 2000 utg,(26,900)
bb,J8off,fold to a riase.
sb,J6,fold to utg riase,(25,500)
bb,56, fold to an all in.
sb,27, fold to bet, (23,300)
88, button fold to an allin.
AsJs, call 2400 raise, fold to re riase allin. KK vsAQ, would have flushed.(20,000)

Level 12, 600/1200
AK utg, riase to 36oo, 2 calls, flop 886, bet 6k pass to re raise,(10,000)
bb,46 all pass.
sb,Kq,fold to big riase.(11,500)
out 26th for 75.00, pushed with 4c6c from ep for 11,000 called by big blind wit hAQ and he hit 2 pair. A little annoying playing 3 hours for 25 pounds really, but waht can you do. I won a few races but not once did i pick up a pair bigger thenJJ and was on a wreckless table where hands often go to showdown. Never mind.
