the usual...

Just got 10 O'Clock and I am already out of a £20 rebuy at the casino thinking how? I played the sunday tournament , which was a sound structure I entered it having not played for a little over week and felt my game online was below par and also form was bad.Still, I played it and was playing relatively strong when my first big move fell badly, I had around 30,000 in chips when late position ( a young kid who riases all time in late) pumped it up, I decided this time to re raise , I had junk not that it was relevant , (4-7 off i think), he made it 3,800 I made it 10,800 and the bb pushed all in, he insta folded and I obviously laid fast knowing I have just walked into KK,AA, or maybe AK, he said KK and took it down.
Then in the same mtt later on with around 21 people left, 7 handed I found KK in sb , I raised after 2 limpers one of them pushed , I was suspicious but with short stack and KK i called and he flipped over AA. Sigh...Out.
Since then online I have been playing okay ish, I would say around 5/10 which is hard to beat sound players with and also I am running v badly, the reason I posted the image of AK is cos lately whenever I am all in and have AK which has been around the last 4/5 times I have ran into AA or KK. Just tonight in the casino with 11 bb I pushed with AK off and the button flat called and i said to my mate " yeah prolly walked into Aces or Kings here" and sure enough he had AA. It doesn't affect my play ya know? But its hard to win at the moment when I am not playing great and running badly.
Tommorow I will be playing live again cos its more enjoyable then online but I do hope I can start playing well again and luck evening out. I feel I take the bad times well enough still though, Aelred has been in my company online where I take a horrendous beat and I brush it off calmly. So I aint a tilt master or anything.
Sum up tonights tourney I had AQ i re raised all in over a lp bettor during rebuy period (only 2 rebuys though) he had kc6c and called my all in for 5,000 chips when he only put in 600 and river K. And then same guy later I had AsKs vs his 9-9 lost that too then I had no more rebuys got it back up though till post rebuy when my AK off was against Aces.
Still, thats poker and all that. I will probably play a bit online tonight and tonight just try and focus, if i can get back to thinking through every decision and justifying it then I will start final tabling again. Wish me luck!